Infinite project cover


Collaborator: Markus Specogna, David Rawalia, Wednesday Laplante, Tyasha Ghattak

April 2020

Every year, the students of Design and Computation Arts have the opportunity to exhibit their best work at the D/CART year-end exhibition. For the year of 2020, the COVID-19 prompted a unique challenge to finding an alternate platform to showcase the student's work. As part of the web team, we were charged to create a unique web experience by building a website to host this year's collection of artworks and integrate livestream functionalities for the online vernissage.

During the initial phase, Markus and I have worked on several design proposals for the website. Through the process, we worked closely with the catalogue team and the visual identity team to make sure that our design was coherent with their work.

As soon as our team made a decision on the final layout of the website, we started working on figuring out the technology stack we were going to use. I put forward a plan for structuring the website that would allow for an uninterrupted experience browsing through the different projects while watching the live stream. The website utilizes Kirby CMS to organize and serve the content while the front-end was implemented with Vue JS — a javascript front-end framework. Thanks to the Kirby API, we were able to easily create functions to retrieve the content from the CMS using javascript.

After successfully setting up the server routings and the API calls, Markus and I worked on the presentation of the website using tailwind css and some javascript while David worked on the stream functionalities, and Wednesday and Tyasha working on content organization. This project was a great opportunity to develop advanced skills using Vue JS asynchronously with API calls, and to get organized in a small team to work the most efficiently.

Visit the exhibition's website